Wednesday, August 1, 2007


My niece, Julie Van Husen, was born on July 26th, 32 days pre-mature. She has some respiratory complications and has been moved to a neonatal ICU in Odessa, TX. She is still under oxygen and being fed through a tube in her stomach. We are all hoping for the best and should know in a couple of days when she will be able to come home. In light of this development, I will be leaving Oz a bit early on Aug. 10th and heading to Midland, TX. to be with everyone.

I had such a great time playing paintball and partying before I left Brizzy and it made me sad to be leaving all the relationships that I have formed in the past couple of years. Fear not, though, Kate and I have tickets back to Brisbane on Feb 12th after a week in Fiji. I know it is hard, but try not to hate me.

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Up next:US of A, the Bahamas, and moving to Sydney