Monday, September 1, 2008

The end of the eternal summer. . .almost

No joke, I got a job. I had 3 interviews last week in Singapore and got an offer. I started to seriously consider moving to Singapore. I flew back to Oz over Sunday night and arrived Monday morning. On Tuesday, I had an interview with Sydney IVF. They are looking for a neuroscientist to help them develop a stem cell models of neurodegenerative disease. I am their neuroscientist! I am very excited both about the job and moving to Sydney. I am going to the US first to visit my family, including the family vacation in the Bahamas, and move my stuff to Australia. I get back in Oz around the first of October and will have to find a place to live and move there before work starts on Oct. 15. I know most of you are shocked that I have actually gotten a job, but it had to happen sometime. I want to thank the people who fed, sheltered and clothed me on my year + hiatus, without you guys this wouldn't have been possible.

"Gramps"-For all the meals and nights I stayed at your place, including tonight.

Biba "Beeeeebs" Wythes-For taking care of me every time I was in Brizzy. You are the most amazing partner I have ever come across and if you ever want to upgrade from Fletch. . .I am your woman. Think of the chocolate I could bring you.

Ellis "Ayis Face" Caffin-No rent, free food, and stress-relieving giggles for the past couple of months, a girl couldn't be any luckier.

Angela "Pumpkin" Farrar-All the nights of Bones/Grey's, free dinner (even when it was my turn), and a sleep on that oh so comfortable couch.

Kate "my most significant other" Lewis-so you are broke, but , as always, you did provide me with moral support and job getting advice.

Laura "Kate's mom" Kislowski-for guiding me through the perils of "bullshitting your way to a career". I owe you so much.

Jean "Nana" & Jim "Grumpy" Scott-for the money and the support then, now, and always. see you in the Bahamas!
Up next:US of A, the Bahamas, and moving to Sydney